Monday, 23 November 2009

Penny's morning with her "ninnle nerners"

here is what we did today at little learners.

thank you for:
Hadley: thomas, maisy and engy bengie
Ethan: the visual aid field
help for understanding the lesson.

Memory verse:
"He who has ears, let him hear."
Matthew 13:9

Song: 4 little seeds.

Story, from their children's bible. Jesus parable of the Good Sower. Matthew 13

Looked at the visual aid 'field' whilst reading story.

Each scattered seed on path, rock, thorns and soil.

Took seed off path, as birds ate it.

Watered seed.

Also grew cress heads, just for fun!!

Musical instruments for few songs.

Coloured pictures of the story, and talked about the seed being God's word, and Satan being an angel who used to be good and is now bad taking the word from our hearts if we don't understand it.

Also talked about loving money as being like thorns stopping us from loving Jesus.

All decided we want hearts like good soil.

Prayed that we would understand the bible when we read it so that Satan doesn't snatch the word away.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Penny! Love your field! Hope you enjoy your cress.
