Thursday, 14 January 2010


Time to catch up in here before we forget completely what we have covered! The second week of December we had another session on the shepherds and angels, this time with Joannie as the master storyteller from the flannel graph again. She knows just how to position the figures and the boys listened spell bound and were really forthcoming with their answers. We had Elaine with us that week so we managed some Christmas craft with silver foil, baubles, glue and ribbon with the verse “Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life” to enable the ornaments to hang on the Christmas tree!
Not to be outdone by his elder brother Hadley prayed this week and it needed a quiet ‘amen’ in his ear to suggest to him that it was time to finish!!

The following week I again reinforced the Christmas story, this time using flash cards, the white board and magnets which they loved. Then came Penny’s turn and she moved on to the wise men which I reinforced last week with the flannel graph, the white board, models of the Christmas ‘characters’ and a jigsaw. A lot of visuals but hey! They went down a real treat followed by wise men creations covered with glitter glue. Lydie and Elsie came and joined in after the church service while Hadley proved he has the memory verse down to a fine art.

Penny’s turn again next week so watch this space!